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Ben Mattox is hiking the Appalachian Trail for ABCC


Ben Mattox

Trail: Appalachian Trail     Goal: 2184 Miles
Dates: Apr 20 2015 - Sep 001 2015
On a long road trip with my dad when I was younger, we listened to A Walk In the Woods on audiobook, the story of Bill Bryson and his friend Catz attempting to hike the Appalachian Trail. While some parts of the book might have been a tiny bit ... more
per Mile







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First Post Up!

- Mile ??? - Apr 15th, 2015

Heres the first post on my plot, a little pre hike and gear list update!


- Mile ??? - Apr 15th, 2015

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GO BEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We love you!!! <3

Cassie Fosnacht

Apr 24 2015 7:00PM

Sponsor this hike

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account to become a sponsor.


diana and dick meltzer
Thinking of your Dad. What a wonderful man.
$0.10 per mile
up to $218.40

$26.50 due

Chris Yenson
$0.03 per mile
up to $65.52

$7.95 due

Bob Manfreda
Enjoy the journey
$0.10 per mile
up to $218.40

$26.50 due

Lisa Gordon
Sadie is rooting for you!
$0.05 per mile
up to $109.20

$13.25 due

Anne Urban
What a wonderful way to remember your much beloved Dad!
$0.10 per mile
up to $218.40

$26.50 due

Albert Paley
Donating is easy, you're the real MVP Ben
$0.25 per mile
up to $546.00

$66.25 due

michael lewan
Ben, a woderful tribute to a great Dad and good man!
$0.25 per mile
up to $546.00

$66.25 due

Jeff Hyde
Best of luck
$0.13 per mile
up to $283.92

$34.45 due

Russell Ring
Good luck, Ben!
$0.05 per mile
up to $109.20

$13.25 due

Marc Ferrara
Camina fuerte, amigo!
$0.05 per mile
up to $109.20

$13.25 due

Jennifer Sherman
What a wonderful tribute to your father! Good luck.
$0.03 per mile
up to $65.52

$7.95 due

John Schaeffler
What a great way to honor your Dad! Live the Dream!
$0.10 per mile
up to $218.40

$26.50 due

Ruth Ann Elliott
I love you Ben and I am so proud of the man you have become
$0.10 per mile
up to $218.40

$26.50 due

Peter Prowitt
Name a mountain for your Dad along the way...Safe Travels!
$0.25 per mile
up to $546.00

$66.25 due

Andrea Rothberg
Proud to sponsor this endeavor in memory of your Dad!
$0.25 per mile
up to $546.00

$66.25 due

Lynn Thomson
So excited and proud of you Ben!
$0.12 per mile
up to $262.08

$31.80 due

Kate Carey
What a wonderful tribute! Good luck and enjoy it!
$0.05 per mile
up to $109.20

$13.25 due

$0.15 per mile
up to $327.60

$39.75 due

Reba Raffaelli
Go for it and hAve fun
$0.12 per mile
up to $262.08

$31.80 due

$0.01 per mile
up to $21.84

$2.65 due

$0.10 per mile
up to $218.40

$26.50 due

Sara Jones
So proud of you Benjamin! Love you! I know you can do it!!
$0.05 per mile
up to $109.20

$13.25 due

Karen Price
Go for it Ben!
$0.50 per mile
up to $1092.00

$132.50 due

Cassie Fosnacht
GO BEN!!!!!!
$0.05 per mile
up to $109.20

$13.25 due