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Nick Luchetti hiked the Appalachian Trail for SunKids

Lou Dawg

Nick Luchetti

Trail: Appalachian Trail     Goal: 2190 Miles
Dates: Feb 19 2017 - Aug 005 2017
For the past few years I've been consumed with the idea and dream of attempting a thru-hike of the 2,190 mile long Appalachian Trail. The dream is close to becoming a reality as I am lucky to have found a way to set aside 5 months of my life and set ... more
per Mile







The Sunshine Kids is a non-profit organization dedicated to children with cancer. Established in 1982, we are committed to providing positive group activities and emotional support for young cancer patients. The Sunshine Kids provides a variety of ... more
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Update 1

- Mile 206 - Mar 14th, 2017

We've successfully hiked from Springer Mountain, Georgia to Newfound Gap in the heart of the Smokies. We are currently taking a few days off, but will return to the trail March 20 rejuvenated and motivated! We will be starting back up at Davenport Gap (mile 237). We had to skip the last 30 miles of the Smokies for weather concerns. Excited to continue north in a few days! Thanks for the support everyone!
-Nick "Lou Dawg"

Lou Dawg

- Mile 206 - Mar 14th, 2017

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We are so thrilled you are taking this epic journey to help the Sunshine Kids! Thank you Nick!!!

Brooks Tomb

Feb 001 2017 09:55AM

Good luck, Nick!!! Maybe we'll see you in Maine...

Tim and Deanna

Timothy Luchetti

Sep 26 2016 12:16AM

Sponsor this hike

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account to become a sponsor.


Kim Kell
So proud of you!
$0.01 per mile
up to $21.90

$22.00 paid!

Mary Balciar
Enjoy the journey!!! We look forward to following you.
$0.05 per mile
up to $109.50

$77.50 paid!

Sean Gart
Excited for you man! Have fun!
$0.02 per mile
up to $43.80

$31.00 paid!

Linda Koone
Looking forward to your adventure and wishing you the best !
$0.05 per mile
up to $109.50

$100.00 paid!

Christopher DeMasi
Happy to sponsor you, and proud to hike along side you!
$0.02 per mile
up to $43.80

$31.00 due

Jeff Luchetti
May the force be with you.
$0.03 per mile
up to $65.70

$46.50 due

Mary Ellen Luchetti
So proud of you Nick! Praying for your safety! Mom
$0.10 per mile
up to $219.00

$155.00 due

Christine Glover
$0.05 per mile
up to $109.50

$77.50 due

Timothy Luchetti
We support you and this wonderful cause! Tim and Deanna
$0.05 per mile
up to $109.50

$77.50 due