Janet Barry
$0.05 per mile
up to $109.45
$70.50 paid!
David Undeland
$0.05 per mile
up to $109.45
$70.50 paid!
Undeland Associates
Proud to support my sis Anne! Thx for "treking for good!"
$0.10 per mile
up to $218.90
$141.00 due
Meg Agnew
Blessings on every step you take!
$0.10 per mile
up to $218.90
$141.00 due
Charles Undeland
$0.10 per mile
up to $218.90
$141.00 due
$0.01 per mile
up to $21.89
$14.10 due
Nancy Myerson
Best wishes to you on your journey!
$0.05 per mile
up to $109.45
$109.45 paid!
Dudley Kinnas
Best wishes on your journey, Stay safe
$0.01 per mile
up to $21.89
$20.00 paid!
Donna Gurnett
What an adventure... safe journey home!
$0.25 per mile
up to $547.25
$352.50 due
Craig Lambert
$0.10 per mile
up to $218.90
$141.00 due
JoAnne Spies
Thank you for taking us all with you, step by step!
$0.05 per mile
up to $109.45
$70.50 paid!
Meg Artist
Positive thoughts your way, Joanna! Happy trails. -Meg
$0.01 per mile
up to $21.89
$75.00 paid!
Ben Becker
$0.03 per mile
up to $65.67
$42.30 due
John Becker
$0.05 per mile
up to $109.45
$70.50 due
Lisa Herb
Wishing you happy trails!
$0.05 per mile
up to $109.45
$109.00 paid!
Ellen Harris-Braun
Go, Joanna! I so admire your adventurous spirit.
$0.31 per mile
up to $678.59
$750.00 paid!
Norreen Opper
One day at a time - you are amazing!
$0.05 per mile
up to $109.45
$70.50 paid!
Randy Faulkner
Your really doing it again.......WOW!!!
$0.05 per mile
up to $109.45
$100.00 paid!
Aimee Johnson
Hey, Joanna! Thinking of you!
$0.05 per mile
up to $109.45
$70.50 due
Toddy Munson
You are awesome! Toddy Munson,past Mountain Road parent
$0.05 per mile
up to $109.45
$109.45 paid!
Evelyn Feathers
In honor of the Red Fox Clan at Mountain Road!
$0.01 per mile
up to $21.89
$21.89 paid!
Rebecca McBride
Wishing you happy feet and a happy heart.
$0.05 per mile
up to $109.45
$109.45 paid!
Gina Qualliotine
Have an awesome adventure. Our hearts and thanks go with you
$0.05 per mile
up to $109.45
$110.00 paid!
elizabeth young
Thinking of you each day...you are an inspiration to us all!
$0.05 per mile
up to $109.45
$70.50 due
Danielle Kush
Blake, Skyler, and I wish you the best of luck!
$0.01 per mile
up to $21.89
$30.00 paid!
Rebecca Leonard
$0.10 per mile
up to $218.90
$218.00 paid!
Jeff Titus
I admire your courage and commitment, Joanna. Happy Trails!
$0.10 per mile
up to $218.90
$141.00 due
Ben Ezinga
$0.05 per mile
up to $109.45
$70.50 paid!
Cynthia Gray
Have an amazing hike! We will miss you while you are away!
$0.05 per mile
up to $109.45
$110.00 paid!
Emilie-Anne Michaud
May your feet have wings!
$0.03 per mile
up to $65.67
$42.30 due
Julie Cerny
Follow your bliss! And good food!
$0.02 per mile
up to $43.78
$28.20 paid!
Marlene Vidibor
Go girl!Bernie an I are proud to know you.Grace would be too
$0.05 per mile
up to $109.45
$70.50 paid!
Richard Wennet
I will again join you on the AT. Your loving brother, Rich
$0.25 per mile
up to $547.25
$400.00 paid!
anne undeland
You're a true inspiration, Seeker. Happy, glorious trails!
$0.10 per mile
up to $218.90
$141.00 due
Cindy Parrish
Go Seeker Joanna Go!
$0.03 per mile
up to $65.67
$100.00 paid!
Nina Silver
The green tunnel is calling you back! .Safe travels.
$0.25 per mile
up to $547.25
$352.50 due
Diane Kavanaugh-Black
Tapas and Ishvar Pranidhana. What a combo!
$0.10 per mile
up to $218.90
$220.00 paid!
Chip Frank
MRS is number 1.
$0.05 per mile
up to $109.45
$70.50 due
Betsy Feathers
$0.10 per mile
up to $218.90
$218.90 paid!