
Hikefor is up-and-running, but needs a rebuild: find out more

HikeFor Updates and Developments
HikeFor needs a rebuid:

I built Hikefor in ten days in 2010 ahead of my third PCT thru-hike attempt. Since then, I've put hundreds of hours into updates and supporting hikers & sponsors ... but, alas, the website has reached a point where it's just too out of date. It's not mobile-friendly, it's not integrated with social media, and some of it's features (such as adding photos to journals) are sub-optimal.

It could be much more, but I can't volunteer the time to rebuild it myself.

It would also benefit from being registered as a 501c3 so that donations can be collected and distributed, rather than directing sponsors to make donations directly and report their donations back here (something that many hiker's elderly relatives find confusing / challenging).

If you're passionate about long-distance hiking, and are inspired by the potential of Hikefor to help hikers raise funds for worthy causes, and believe you can help with a Hikefor rebuild, please get in touch!

Thank you! - Paul "Potential 178"

About HikeFor and your donations:

I am hoping that eventually there will be a way for HikeFor to become a registered 501(C)3 non-profit so donations can be made directly to HikeFor & then distributed to the target causes - this would simplify the donation process for sponsors, and allow HikeFor to more accurately report the donations received. In the meantime, since HikeFor is not yet a registered non-profit, all donations must continue to be made directly to the target causes. That in mind, here's the steps for making donations:

Sign in to your account
Your pledges/donations page will show you how much you owe to your hiker/hikers' non-profit(s). Follow the links there to make your donation(s) directly to each non-profit
Back at your pledges/donations page, report how much you donated.

Please don't forget step three!

It is the only way HikeFor can report how much your hiker raised for their cause.

Questions or concerns? Please feel free to get in touch via the contact page

On behalf of the hikers and their causes, thank you!

March 14th, 2013 - HikeFor 2.0 goes live!

HikeFor.com has been upgraded! Whew, that was a lot of work!

  • Hikers can now hike for any non-profit cause.
  • Hikers can hike for two causes (donations split between).
  • Tools added to support multiple hikes for return hikers.
  • New cause pages list hikers who are/have hiked for that cause.
  • New journaling features.
  • New photo uploader and gallery.

Hmmm, that doesn't sound like nearly as much work as it was! There's more features on the way eventually, including a fancy new hike planner, guestbook, etc, but the immediate priorities are to work on getting the word out and to secure some funding to cover the costs of incorporating as a 501(c)3.

Please feel free to get in touch via the contact page to less us know any feedback or suggestions you have, and please spread the word to anyone you think might be interested. Thanks!

May 14th, 2012 - Total 2010 donations finally tallied up!

Long overdue update! Thanks to all the hikers and their sponsors we've collectively raised $6266.70 for Kleiwerks International's worthy efforts in Haiti!

Kleiwerks is an excellent organization that will do great work with the funds we've raised for them. To see what Kleiwerks has been up to, check out their Haiti page here: www.kleiwerks.org/haiti-pastwork/

Thank you very much to everybody who participated, and happy trails!

Feb 8th, 2010 - Hike for Haiti Web Launch

We need to act fast, hiking season is soon upon us! Subsequently, this is the fastest fully functional website I've ever put up. Ten sixteen hour days of coding, but now it's ready and we can focus on getting the word out. I hope the website will be well received and that the "Class of 2010" will be excited about supporting this worthwhile initiative.